EVENT Mar 07
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Deadline Extended: NeMLA 2024: Refusal, Disruption, and Persistence in Academia (Women's and Gender Studies Caucus Roundtable) (NeMLA)

Sheraton Hotel, Boston
Organization: NeMLA (Northeast Modern Language Association)
Event: NeMLA
Categories: Interdisciplinary, Popular Culture, Gender & Sexuality, Women's Studies, Aesthetics, Anthropology/Sociology, Classical Studies, Cultural Studies, Environmental Studies, Film, TV, & Media, Food Studies, History, Philosophy, Miscellaneous
Event Date: 2024-03-07 to 2024-03-10 Abstract Due: 2023-10-15

“Refusal, Disruption, and Persistence in Academia” centers on strategies such as refusal, disruption, and persistence in academia from an intersectional perspective that focusses on gendered racialization.

This roundtable will engage participants about structural change in their local context by sharing strategies from diverse standpoints. This could mean sharing stories about surviving contract work, probation, tenure review, and administrative roles while coping with and negotiating the demands of everyday life. However, participants can also consider refusal, disruption, and persistence with collaboration and community building in the foreground for systemic change, big or small.

This roundtable will invite attendees to prepare in advance by reading all or some of Rebecca Subar’s When to Talk and When to Fight: The Strategic Choice between Dialogue and Resistance (2021). The roundtable organizers will structure the conversation to create an interactive opportunity for dialogue – hopefully, action too!

Submit a proposal briefly explaining your local context, the experiences or strategies you would like to share, and the type(s) of structural change that you would like to engage during our roundtable discussion: https://www.cfplist.com/nemla/Home/S/20400



Sheila Batacharya