EVENT Jan 01
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Ars Artium (Call for papers, poems and book reviews )

New Delhi
Organization: World Association of Authors and Researchers
Event: Call for papers, poems and book reviews
Categories: Postcolonial, Digital Humanities, American, Hispanic & Latino, Comparative, British, Gender & Sexuality, Literary Theory, Rhetoric & Composition, Women's Studies, World Literatures, African-American, Colonial, Revolution & Early National, Transcendentalists, 1865-1914, 20th & 21st Century, Medieval, Early Modern & Renaissance, Long 18th Century, Romantics, Victorian, 20th & 21st Century, African & African Diasporas, Asian & Asian Diasporas, Australian Literature, Canadian Literature, Caribbean & Caribbean Diasporas, Indian Subcontinent, Eastern European, Mediterranean, Middle East, Native American, Scandinavian, Pacific Literature
Event Date: 2025-01-01 Abstract Due: 2024-09-15

Ars Artium (ISSN: 2319-7889; E-ISSN: 2395-2423), a refereed research journal of English Studies and Culture, aims at providing an international forum for dissemination of knowledge through scholarly and critical articles of broader significance covering a wide range of authors and literary texts in English along with literary criticism, applied linguistics, and culture and society of global interest. It also accepts original poetry and reviews of recently published books. Contributions to the journal are open for all teachers, researchers, reviewers and creative writers. All submissions, following Guidelines for Authors should be emailed to the editor-in-chief. For format, please read some recently published papers (https://www.arsartium.org/archive/). Please visit the website for more information.



Vijay Kumar Roy