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Scripting Dissent: The Power of Collaborative Writing in Italian Revolutionary Praxis (NeMLA)

Organization: NeMLA
Event: NeMLA
Categories: Comparative, Women's Studies, Miscellaneous
Event Date: 2025-03-06 to 2025-03-09 Abstract Due: 2024-09-30

Organizers: Marta Cerreti (Johns Hopkins University, mcerret1@jhu.edu), Federica Parodi (Yale University, federica.parodi@yale.edu)
Deadline: September 30, 2024

Scripting Dissent: The Power of Collaborative Writing in Italian Revolutionary Praxis

Italy has a long history of leftist collective political writing, a practice fully incorporated by the second-wave feminist movement and that is still at work today. In line with the topic of this year's conference, (R)evolution, this panel wishes to investigate examples of academic collaborations such as anthologies, co-authored pieces, group writings, graphic novels in the Humanities and will welcome contributions about Italian collaborative writing from the 1970s to today. We aim to explore the theoretical dimensions of collective writing, probing its risks and possibilities within revolutionary praxis, engaging with interdisciplinary perspectives and drawing insights from theatrical performances, manifestos, and grassroots publications. In particular, we delve into the dynamic interplay between collaboration and revolution and uncover the ways in which shared practices empower marginalized voices to challenge oppressive systems. Some leading questions are:

· How do grassroots movements utilize collective authorship to challenge dominant narratives?

· In what ways does collaborative writing in Italian leftist movements engage with notions of collective memory, cultural heritage, and the construction of alternative narratives?

· What is the role and the future of collaboration in academia?

· What are the risks and possibilities of collaborative writing?

The abstract must be uploaded directly here:  here: https://www.cfplist.com/nemla/Home/S/21224



Marta Cerreti, Federica Parodi