EVENT May 22
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New Right-Wing Movements: Culture, Communication, and Politics)

Organization: University of Burgos
Categories: Miscellaneous
Event Date: 2025-05-22 Abstract Due: 2024-12-03

Numerous right-wing political parties have achieved results far from what was expected before recent elections, both national and European. This phenomenon is not an exception. It rather reflects a general rise of new movements, and clearly reveals the spirit of our time, where new right-wing actors emerge, proclaiming themselves to be different from historical and traditional right-wing.

It is necessary to examine the defining characteristics and factors driving this rise, beyond the partisan and electoral strategies of individual cases. Nevertheless, it is understood that the emergence of any socio-political or ideological phenomenon is shaped by a series of pre-existing elements within a particular culture, which it interacts with dynamically.

Actually, media discourses have contributed to the consolidation of these new right-wing movements by disseminating and reactivating certain visions and meanings of the world. Thus, the focus of attention should shift from individual partisan actors to the broader rise of new right-wing movements, in order to better understand the cultural climate that has fostered their proliferation.

Culture, as a non-hereditary memory of a community —that is, as a recorded and transmitted memory within a specific group— focuses on the communicative processes that enable its own conservation, dissemination, and transformation. Specifically, new right-wing movements form their own idea of collectivity based on a shared memory. It is crucial, therefore, to describe and analyse the discursive logics that characterise social groups in their identity construction. These processes within the current media ecosystem —which has developed certain strategies and mechanisms, such as the echo chamber— have favoured the rise of new right-wing movements through fake news and the post-truth reproductive capacity. Consequently, this CFP seeks any study and analysis of concrete objects within a wide variety of expressive and media forms, involved in the logic and value of the new right-wing movements: audiovisual discourses; literature and myths; music and the visual and performing arts; as well as symbols, rituals, and behaviours that generate lifestyles.

Convinced that science is a dialogue between disciplines, researchers of different fields, such as political science, communication, discourse analysis, semiotics, mediology, sociology and anthropology, are invited. Those investigating subjects within the value systems and discursive logics of new right-wing movements are particularly encouraged to submit their proposals in the form of an abstract, no longer than 600 words, in English, French or Spanish, until the 3rd December. Next, it will be announced who has been selected. The deadline for the submission of final chapters, which should range between 4,000 and 7,000 words (approximately), is 22 May 2025.

Texts will be evaluated by two anonymous reviewers through the peer-review process, which guarantees the impartiality and academic quality of the evaluation. Final decisions will be communicated between June and July 2025 by three possible outcomes: accepted, rejected, or accepted with changes. Authors whose work is accepted with changes will have 15 days to make the necessary corrections.

Proposals will be considered via email to the following address: agorainvestigacion.ubu@gmail.com



Marcos Garcia-Ergüín