EVENT Jun 09
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Caribbean Regional Conference of Psychology (CANPA)

Organization: Caribbean Alliance of National Psychological Associations
Event: CANPA
Categories: Interdisciplinary, Pedagogy, Popular Culture, Gender & Sexuality, Aesthetics, Anthropology/Sociology, Classical Studies, Cultural Studies, Environmental Studies, Film, TV, & Media, Food Studies, History, Philosophy, Science, Miscellaneous
Event Date: 2025-06-09 to 2025-06-13 Abstract Due: 2025-01-15

This conference is a continuation of the historic conferences beginning with the inaugural CRCP2011 in Nassau, Bahamas followed by Suriname in 2014, Haiti in 2016, Jamaica in 2018 and St Croix, US Virgin Islands in 2021. Under the theme, “Building Mental Health Resiliencies: Empowering Our Communities,” this year’s conference seeks to provide a platform for interdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration among professionals, scholars, and stakeholders invested in the mental health and well-being of Caribbean communities. Such a platform explores the cultural, historical and socio-economic factors influencing mental health perceptions, help-seeking behaviours and treatment outcomes in our context. This conference seeks to showcase innovative approaches, best practices and other research findings aimed at empowering communities. At every iteration, we endeavour to provide the best of professional development opportunities for our Caribbean practitioners at home and across the diaspora while fostering networking opportunities and partnership to strengthen our services, promote advocacy and local evidence-based interventions in our communities throughout the region. With this in mind, we invite papers from the various disciplines that explore the themes and subthemes of the CRCP2025. CRCP2025 encourages professionals, researchers, educators, and students across disciplines to submit abstracts that align with the CRCP2025 theme and sub-themes. Your innovative ideas will contribute to advancing mental health in Caribbean communities. The conference theme is BUILDING MENTAL HEALTH RESILIENCIES, EMPOWERING OUR COMMUNITIES. Abstracts are welcome on any of the following six sub-themes, or on other topics that are embodied in the overall conference theme that are not captured in the sub-themes and topics below.

SUB-THEMES & TOPICS 1. CARIBBEAN PSYCHOLOGY: POLICY AND ADVOCACY [Discussing policy initiatives, advocacy efforts, and community partnerships to promote mental health awareness, reduce stigma, and improve access to mental health services and resources throughout the Caribbean in both clinical and non-clinical settings.] ? Advocacy and Policymaking for Mental Health Professionals ? Navigating Policy in the Caribbean ? Collaborations across Fields/Industries for Transformational Change ? The Role of NGOs in Shaping Policy ? Revamp the Curriculum: An Introduction to Basic Psychology in Caribbean Primary and Secondary Schools. ? The Role of Forensic Psychology in Caribbean Judiciary 2. TRAUMA AND HEALING [ Addressing the legacy of historical trauma, natural disasters, violence, and other traumatic experiences in the Caribbean, and exploring trauma-informed approaches to healing and resiliencebuilding.] ? Trauma in the Caribbean setting: Differences and Similarities ? The Arts as a Tool for Empowerment ? Trauma Treatment Approaches in the Caribbean [Somatic Experiencing, Internal Family Systems, EMDR, Biofeedback, Psilocybin] ? Caribbean Legacies of Violence ? Psychological Impact of Natural Disasters in the Caribbean: Earth, Wind, Fire & Water Chronicles ? Tackling Intergenerational Trauma in the Caribbean ? Enhancing Capacity and Wellbeing for First Responders ? The Nature Therapy Model: A Natural Path to Healing Trauma in the Tropics ? Generational Poverty and its Impact on the Caribbean Community: Trauma Response or Resilience ? Neuroscience for Our Caribbean Youth ? Addressing Gender-based and Intimate Partner Violence ? The Impact of Political Violence on Individual and Community Wellbeing 3. INNOVATIVE PRACTICES AND RESEARCH [Showcasing innovative interventions, evidence-based practices, and cutting-edge research aimed at advancing mental health care delivery, prevention, and promotion in Caribbean communities] ? A Generation of Vipers?: Understanding the Caribbean Gen Z Population Through the Lens of Psychology ? Music and the Keeping of Cultural Heritage ? Creative Art Therapies for Mental Health Promotion in the Caribbean ? Psilocybin Treatment in the Caribbean ? Increasing Psychological Skills and Capacity in Faith Communities ? The Psychology of Poverty Reduction: Shifting Mindsets ? Psychology and the Environment: Sustainability and Adaptability ? ‘Fit to Fight ‘: Applications of Psychology in Caribbean Military. ? The Scammer Culture and the Impact on Mindset and Behaviour ? Social Media Therapy: Letting it Out. Psychological Benefits of the ‘Venting Era’. ? Artificial Intelligence and Psychological Outcomes in Therapy, the Workplace and Schools BUILDING RESILIENT COMMUNITIES [ Exploring community-based interventions and resilience-building strategies to enhance mental health outcomes and empower individuals and communities to overcome the impacts of adversities, including environmental threats, acute weather events, crime, violence, and economic marginalisation, public health threats, and population displacement. This includes Interventions with vulnerable communities/minority groups] ? Caribbean Models of Well-Being and Health Promotion ? Psychopathology and Mental Health in the Caribbean ? Psychological Wellbeing among the Deaf and Blind Communities ? Innovative models of Addiction treatments: Efficacy in the Caribbean setting ? Positive Psychology: Strength Based Approaches, National Happiness and Empowerment ? Occupational Wellness, Health and Safety ? Integrative Approaches to Wellness ? Community Models of Wellness ? Primary Prevention Approaches in Psychology 5. CULTURAL PERSPECTIVES ON MENTAL HEALTH [Understanding how Caribbean cultural norms, beliefs, and traditions shape the expression, perception, and treatment of mental health issues] ? Indo-Caribbean Culture ? African Caribbean Mores, Usages, Traditions, and Well-being. ? Indigenous Peoples in the Caribbean ? Indigenous Languages in the Practice of Caribbean Psychology ? Caribbean Emigration, Immigration, and Return Migration ? Acculturation and Globalization in the Caribbean ? Transnationalism in the Caribbean Diaspora ? Multicultural Caribbean identities ? Conceptualizing National and Pan-Caribbean Identities ? Globalization and Caribbean Development ? Race, Shadism and Relations in the Caribbean 6. VULNERABILITIES IN SMALL ISLAND STATES: CLIMATE THREATS AND SOCIOECONOMIC CONTEXTS ? Risk Factors and Resiliency among Victims and Survivors of Disasters (Natural, Human and Medical like Ebola, Cholera, COVID-19, etc.) ? Cultural Adaptations of Trauma Interventions for Natural Disasters ? Governmental Approaches to Preparedness that Integrate Mental Health and Well Being ? Resilience Building Models for Preparedness and Post Natural Disasters ? Social Media and The Challenge of Re-Traumatization Post Natural Disasters ? Short-term Post-disaster Interventions for Children ? Leader Stress and Impacts on Recovery Processes ? Long-term Mental Health Impacts of Economic Disasters ? “Creeping” Threats of Climate Change ? Geopolitical Contexts of Mental Health Caribbean Communities 

FORMATS 1. Poster Presentations. Poster presentations, grouped together by subject matter. Presentations will be displayed on a poster board and the presenter will be present during the time of the dedicated session to answer questions from individuals. Presenters will highlight scholarship via displays and informal discussions. 2. Papers (15 minutes). Separate presentations grouped together by subject matter or theme. This is a talk presentation style. Paper presentations will be grouped by the conference organisers into topically related sessions. Individual papers may also be assigned as poster presentations. 3. Symposia (90 minutes). Presentations submitted together on a specific topic. Listings have the symposium abstract, and abstracts of each presentation listed. This is a talk presentation style. Each integrated symposium generally includes a maximum of four (4) presentations on a common topic based on the conference theme and subthemes. Multi-disciplinary panels are welcome; note however, that the convenor of the symposium must be a psychologist. 4. Roundtables (45 minutes). Parallel discussion sessions on specific topics - presentation and discussion. Presenter will sit in a roundtable with individuals interested in the topic area. Presenters will present their paper and elicit questions and comments from individuals at the table. In this format, presenters will open a discussion on a topic relevant to the conference theme and subthemes with brief remarks and facilitate a guided, interactive discussion with the roundtable participants.

Abstracts are required for all formats. All poster, paper, and roundtable abstracts must include a title (12 words maximum), a summary of no more than 250 words, and a 50-word summary of the abstract for our program. Symposia abstracts must include a symposium title, an abstract of no more than 500 words, and a separate abstract (50 words maximum) for each presentation. SUBMITTING AN ABSTRACT Abstracts are submitted online at https://www.conftool.com/crcp2025barbados/ Please follow the instructions for the type of format that is relevant to your submission. Only abstracts submitted online will be considered.



Mia Jules