Digital Literary Studies
Organization: Digital Literary Studies Journal
Digital Literary Studies
Submissions are now welcome for our field’s newest peer-reviewed publication, Digital Literary Studies ( The inaugural issue is expected to be published in late 2015. Digital Literary Studies publishes scholarly articles on research concerned with computational approaches to literary analysis/criticism, or critical/literary approaches to electronic literature, digital media, and textual resources.
Topics of interest to Digital Literary Studies include, but are not limited to, textual analysis, computational stylistics, text encoding, computational linguistics, digital resources, publishing, topic modeling, network analysis, mapping, electronic literature, cultural criticism and Digital Literary Studies, games and gaming.
Digital Literary Studies welcomes and supports submissions across a broad range of scholarly practices. In addition to more traditional long-form research articles, shorter positional and quantitative papers are also welcome. Contributors may submit curated electronic texts for peer review. For example, scholars may submit an encoded collection of poetry, which will be reviewed, and stored in our institutional repository hosted at the Pennsylvania State University. Furthermore, we are interested in reviewing well-documented hermeneutical methods and tools, where the tools are a form of interpretation. Any digital project with a literary focus, whether that be a digital edition, tool, or otherwise, may be considered for review.
Further details on the focus and scope of the journal:
Submission and author guidelines:
Details on editorial and advisory boards:
James O'Sullivan