EVENT Jan 15
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Transference Poetry Journal

Organization: Western Michigan University Department of World Languages and Literatures
Categories: French, Lingustics, German, Genre & Form, Literary Theory, World Literatures, Poetry, Asian & Asian Diasporas, Mediterranean, Middle East
Event Date: 2013-01-15 Abstract Due: 2013-01-15

The Department of World Languages and Literatures at Western Michigan University is publishing a new journal! We invite submissions of up to 4 translated poems from Arabic, Chinese, French, Old French, German, Classical Greek, Latin, Japanese, and Russian into English. Be sure to provide each poem in its original language along with its source information in MLA format. We strongly encourage you to write a reflective commentary on the translation process, including particular challenges posed by the text or particular translation choices you made. All submissions will undergo a peer review process. Our reading period is October 1 to January 15.  Send submissions as Word or PDF attachments with a brief cover letter that includes your contact information to David Kutzko and Molly Lynde-Recchia, editors:



Molly Lynde-Recchia