Revolutionizing Language Education: Innovative Approaches for a Changing World (NeMLA)
NeMLA Conference, Philadelphia PA, USA
Organization: Northeast Modern Language Association
Event: NeMLA
The impact of the pandemic on education has catalyzed the emergence of various trends in language pedagogy. Amidst a landscape increasingly emphasizing career-oriented training in higher education, language programs nationwide are grappling with formidable challenges. These challenges include declining enrollments, the erosion of language requirements, and even outright program closures. In response to this pressing context, there is a need to explore revolutionary methods in language instruction. Such efforts are essential not only for revitalizing language teaching but also for reaffirming its indispensable role within the humanities as a means of cultivating critical thinking and intercultural competence.
This roundtable discussion serves as a platform for the exchange of revolutionary approaches to language teaching. Participants are invited to share their insights, experiences, and innovative practices in fields such as integration of technology with artificial intelligence (A.I.), the implementation of project-based learning methodologies, and the utilization of open educational resources. Additionally, projects geared towards enhancing career readiness, fostering authentic audience engagement, and cultivating intercultural competence are highly encouraged. The scope of discussion extends to all modalities of instruction, including online, hybrid, and face-to-face formats.
Beyond the immediate concerns of sustaining language programs, this dialogue holds profound significance in re-establishing connections with a generation of learners increasingly focused on the practical applicability of their studies. Presenters from all language fields are welcome to contribute their perspectives and insights to this vital conversation.
Alan P Watts